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Hello and welcome!


My real name is Tasman Knight. I live in North Devon (England), but I was born on the way up the Tasman Sea.  Everyone called me Taz from the start and it stuck.

 I lived on a sail boat for the first 6 months of my life  in Oz and Indo and first stood on a surf board some time around the age of 4. I have been jumping in and out the oceans ever since.  This site will mainly be about my surfing exploits with some other random stuff thrown in.


As a grommet (young surfer), I travelled and competed and pretty much did what ever I could to get in the sea.  I was the top ranked British u-18 in 2013 and I was selected to represent Great Britain  3 times at under 16 and under 18 level. My proudest moment was captaining team GB at the ISA World Junior Championships in 2014.


Unfortunately, my days hanging out on the beach as a frothing grommet have come to an end. So here I am, out in the world, searching for perfect barrelling right hand point breaks, and  working  for my sponsors whilst doing something I love.


Of course none of this would have been do-able without the help and support of some amazing people along the way. There is a long list- but I'd like to say a special thank you to a few of those who have made it possible for a frothing grom like me to dare to dream.

Nigel Semmens, Tony Plant, Mikey Corker, Cotty, Tibbles, Tundish, Martin, & everyone at Croyde Surf Club, John Ellis & Darren Burrett at Surf South West, Damon Beveridge, Spencer Hargreaves, Dave Reed (UKPSA), everyone at Surfing GB,  Richard & Catherine Henry, the Smith Family, Steve England,  Gideon Bright, Nik Baker, and last but not least mum & dad!


So that is what this is. An account and documentation of my shenanigans from now onwards! I’ll be putting up photos and vids when I can. I’ll update my blog when I have internet. but yeah! I’m not saying it will be any good, but its there if you want!




Taz                                                                                                                              Photo: Tim Barrow


I am just one of several British surfers, UK surfers travelling the globe in search of perfect waves.

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